
Monday, February 8, 2010

Tuesday Talk

  • Ok, so I now know what mom's mean when they say that they haven't had time to eat because they've spent their day tending to their little one{s}. But what's Rachel Zoe's excuse? We both need to carve out at least 15 minutes a day to throw back a meal. Where ya wanna meet up Rach?
  • I get to pop Execedrin pills again. PTL. It's the only headache medicine that actually works for me.
  • My husband now get's to scrub down with scented body wash and wear scented deodorant again {welcome back Axe!}. When I was pregnant, these things made me heave so he had to put them on the shelf for a while!
  • No longer car sick {one of my side effects of pregnancy}, I'm all about wanting to drive my car anywhere - including loops around our subdivision - just cause I can.
  • I can't go into any store without wanting to buy Ilah a little something.
  • I've been enjoying documenting life with Ilah and filling up her baby book pages!
  • I've already purchased things for Ilah's first Easter {more to come on that; including pictures of what I bought!}
  • Ilah's birth announcement will soon go out {will share it here once they've hit our recipients!}
  • I'm dreading March 13 - the day that Ilah get's her 2 month immunization shots. Poor baby! I'm not sure who will be in more pain...her or me! Daddy may need to hold both of our hands through it.
  • I can't believe that Ilah is ONE MONTH OLD today! {I'll do a post soon on all that she's been doing!}
  • We're making it a point to read to Ilah {from her prayer book} every night and sing at least two worship songs to her as we prepare her for bed. I love this sweet time together as a family.
  • I'm really missing my dad these days. I wish that he was here to share in the joy that we're all experiencing with having Ilah in our life.
  • My husband took some adorable pictures of Ilah this past weekend {will share soon!}
  • Our little babe is about to transition out of newborn diapers and into the 8 pound {and up} ones by Pamper Swaddlers! I gotta say...she looks cute in anything she wears but i find her to look the cutest when she's wearing nothing but a diaper!
  • Today I came across the hat that Ilah was given by the hospital to wear when she was just born and I began to recollect those sweet early moments of her life.

We're looking forward to all that's ahead!! We love our girl!!


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